G2S Pickin Patch Inc
Prince Albert, SK, S6V 1L1
At "G2S Pickin Patch Inc" you can pick:
Sour Cherries
Pick your own (u-pick) fruits and vegetables farms, patches and orchards near Hoey, SK. Filter by sub-region or select one of u-pick fruits, vegetables, berries. You can load the map to see all places where to pick fruits and vegetables near Hoey, SK for a better overview and navigation.
* We have no liability for the accuracy of the information provided. We strongly recommend that you to contact farm owners before taking a trip to the farm.
** If you have found an error or would like to recommend the pick you own farm, please contact us.
At "G2S Pickin Patch Inc" you can pick:
Sour Cherries
We have large plot of saskatoon berries that provide easy picking at an accessible location. We use no synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides anywhere on the farm. Sasktoon berries are large and plentiful. Season depends on weather, picking starts in early or mid-July and usually finishes by first week of August. Payment methods: cash only
At "Prince Albert U-Pick Saskatoons" you can pick:
At "Petrofka Bridge Orchard" you can pick:
Located 45 miles North of Saskatoon off of Highway #12 and also Highway #11 via Rosthern and #312.
At "SpringSide Farms" you can pick:
At "Saint Therese Institute Cherry U Pick" you can pick:
Sour Cherries